Why Is Emergency Lighting So Important?

Why Is Emergency Lighting So Important?

Emergency Lighting In Businesses

Emergency lighting plays a crucial role in illuminating fire evacuation routes in the event of a fire, allowing everyone to exit the premises safely. In this blog post, we at Fire Protection Services (FPS) will take a closer look at emergency lighting and discuss why it is so important, particularly in the workplace.


If a fire does occur within a commercial property, this can often result in a power outage. Should this be the case, a business’ emergency lights will automatically switch on, showcasing clear evacuation routes. Having fully functional emergency lighting is key to avoiding serious injuries should a fire break out.

Aids Emergency Response

Emergency response teams such as fire fighters are vital in ensuring that fires are put out safely and that everyone has been evacuated. Well lit pathways thanks to emergency lighting make this task much quicker and easier for them.

Peace Of Mind

Should an evacuation of a building be required, having clear, well lit evacuation routes are crucial for instilling calmness in what is an extremely stressful situation. This helps to reduce panic and create a more organised evacuation. What’s more, a business’ employees will also be more relaxed during their day to day routine, knowing that if the worst does happen, there is a clear process in place.

Contact Us

We appreciate you taking the time to engage with this blog post. Hopefully you now have a good understanding of how vital emergency lighting can be in the event of a fire. If you own a commercial property and would like to purchase some emergency lights, please feel free to contact us today at Fire Protection Services. We can also install these for you as well as offering a yearly maintenance service. We hope to hear from you soon.